There's a lot of power pop out there and unfortunately I'm not able to define what hooks me and what doesn't. I can only say, for whatever reason, this album hooks me. Even when I think I'm not in the mood for it, it pulls me in. Thanks for the review. I've been listening to it the last couple of days and throughly enjoying it. I'll also give a plug for the production which seems effortless and keeps out of the way, but I'm sure it has something to do with the album's crucial balance of power AND pop.

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Yes, I didn't think to note the production. It doesn't sound dated in any way and the everything sits perfectly in the mix. Glad to hear it's an album you enjoy as well.

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Love this!

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Mar 10Liked by Justin Steiner

Echo Beach, 1980, Martha and the Muffins

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I probably should have mentioned the nod to this one when I wrote about MI's "Eko Beach." Thanks for reading.

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I think you're right about International Pop Overthrow... in fact, reading this now, I'm not 100% sure I've listened to Freak City Soundtrack from start to finish? What I do know of it is incredible. What might've been indeed!

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Hope you're inspired to give it a full listen.

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I did! It's a great record. I've been missing out.

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