Jun 13Liked by Justin Steiner

Psyched to check out Extra Arms and planning to give The Lemon Twigs another try. They did such a great job producing that Tchotchke album a couple of years ago that there's got to be something more to like on their own records!

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Wow, that's quite a list. It's taken me awhile to get to some of these. I gave Camera Obscura a second run through this morning and enjoyed it. It's subtly different than past albums, new band member Donna Maciocia is probably a key factor in that. I'm still trying to get a handle on it. I have the same reaction to The Lemon Twigs as you do. I've sampled some of the rest. Liked "Be Someone Else," "Living in a Dream" and "Girl in a Record Shop." If a person could only afford one of these albums, which one would you recommend they buy?

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Thanks for the thoughtful response. I guess if I had to pick one, I would go with the Frank Turner.

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Another great list, and thanks for getting so much on my radar! 2024 continues to be the gift that keeps on giving.

While I'm getting to all of that, I will say that I 100% agree with you on PJ's 'Dark matter." I'd say it's their best since "Vitalogy."

It's only June, but Superdrag's "True Believer" is almost guaranteed a place on this year's Spotify Wrapped. It's one of my all-time faves.

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I'm a big fan of both No Code and Yield and do find a lot to like on Binaural. I don't dislike the albums after that, but I don't necessarily reach for them either. But yeah, how amazing to give us something this vital 30 years after Vitalogy.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by Justin Steiner

Tons of great new music. A lot of overlap in our tastes, for sure—Extra Arms, Lemon Twigs, The Reflectors, Wesley Fuller are recent favs for me. I also love Frank Turner and his latest is great.

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Thanks for reading and commenting. It means a lot.

Can't believe I've slept on Frank Turner all these years!

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